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michael maglaras

  Spoken Word

hiawatha cd cover The Song of Hiawatha

Canto X - Hiawatha's Wooing

snowbound cd cover Snow-Bound

Excerpt from opening of poem

barbara freitchie cd cover Barbara Frietchie & Other Poems

Poem - The Pressed Gentian

cleophas cd cover Cleophas and His Own

Excerpt from opening of poem


merry go round cd cover Merry Go Round

Track 1 - Mine Eyes

spark cd cover Spark

Track 3 - Je T'Aime

caravan cd cover Caravan

Track 5 - Caravan

independent music clip spoken word audio clip
independent audio clips alternative rock
jazz clips listen 217 records audio clips 217 in performance 217 records 217 in production spoken word 217 films 217 independent recordings
in production 217 audio clips 217
listen to 217 in performance 217 listen 217 records
audio clips 217 audio clips hiawatha